Roller Blade Seven The Unseen Scenes
Take a look into the creation of the first Zen Film in this Scott Shaw Zen Documentary. Click on the title to view the film on YouTube.
Take a look into the creation of the first Zen Film in this Scott Shaw Zen Documentary. Click on the title to view the film on YouTube.
There has remained some interest in one of the films by Donald G. Jackson, Roller Blade Warrior: Taken by Force. I wrote this piece to provide a better understanding about some of the factors surrounding this film and to provide an understanding about what he truly felt about this movie. I hope it provides you with some food for thought.
Donald G. Jackson
Roller Blade Warriors Taken by Force
By Scott Shaw
I thought I would take a few moments and explain a little bit about Donald G. Jackson’s feelings about his film, Roller Blade Warriors, as I am periodically asked questions about this movie.
Since his passing in 2003, I have watched as concentration on the films of Donald G. Jackson has swayed from interest to the lack thereof and back again. Due to the fact of the bizarre nature of most of his films, some of these features have remained under discussion by those who enjoy viewing cinematic creations such as these, while others have not. As my promise to him, in his dying days went, I have strived to keep his filmmaking legacy alive. But, the reality of the reality is, times change as do the minds and the tastes of people. This being detailed, and as a foundation for what I am about to say next, don’t you believe that if one is to truly honor the filmmaking legacy of a filmmaker one should follow their direction in how they wished to be remembered?
Donald G. Jackson was a complicated, most would say, psychologically disturbed individual. This being stated, he did what he did with a passion. This passion, however, lead him into doing and saying things that others certainly disliked and even he often regretted. This too was the case with many of his films. He would often describe his films, once they were completed, as just another piece of crap on the shit pile. This was especially his feelings about Roller Blade Warrior.
If you watch the documentary I put together on the first film we attempted to make together, Roller Blade 3: The Movie That Never Was, you will see him reference his films Roller Blade and Roller Blade Warrior as not very good. But, the film he was then making, Roller Blade 3: Samurai Sisters, as a would-be good film. Of course, this did not come to be the case. Nonetheless, his distaste for Roller Blade Warriors goes much deeper than this.
Don certainly was a lover of women. Though he was married for decades, he bedded many of his starlets. He was no saint. This changed, however, as he moved towards his later years. He had a strong religious re-conversion, re-embracing his Christian faith. Though he would tell me he never liked the physical violence perpetrated against the female characters in Roller Blade Warrior, blaming it on the screenwriter, as he neared his later days, he truly was disgusted by what takes place in that film. Of all his films, he would tell me, that was the film he wished he had never made; at least not created with the storyline that was presented.
That was his feeling, as simple as that. He asked me to do all I could to bury this film after his passing. Following his wishes, I have done all I could to do just that.
As we all understand, with the internet came uncontrollable movie distribution. Though in the early years, after Don’s passing, it seemed interest faded in Roller Blade Warriors, then, people with no rights to distribute the movie, attempted to release it via various methods. For most, this was a means to make money, and, I suppose, for others it was due to the fact that they enjoyed the movie. But, you must question, why would someone enjoy watching a movie where women are brutalized?
With no other method, and becoming tired of paying my attorney a lot of money to halt people who had no rights to the movie from distribution it, my distribution company released it on DVD as a means of substantiating the ownership of the only person who held the rights to this film and to maintain control over its distribution. There was minimal interest in the release of this film and that, I believe, would have been what Don would have wanted.
So, for your fans of Roller Blade Warriors out there… For you distributors who are circulating this movie with no rights to do so… For you admirers of Donald G. Jackson, who are you providing a service to when you disseminate this film? Donald G. Jackson? No. Yourself? Maybe. But, if you care about a filmmaker, you should care about their wishes, whether they are alive or no longer with us. Isn’t that the best way to pay tribute to their filmmaking legacy?
And, to all you filmmakers out there who create works of cinema where women, or anyone, is brutalized, who does that help and how does that make any level of life any better? For all you viewers of cinema where women, or anyone is abused, how does that make any level of life any better?
Truthfully, I really hate to even discuss this movie, as it, and the way Don felt about it, is so negative.
This really brings us to a question of life and something that each of us must consider as we live through our days, is what you are doing setting the stage for the betterment of the world or is what you are doing glorifying the bad elements of life? Moreover, is what you are doing going to be regretted in future times? Think before you do.
My advice. and my hope for the world, is that we should all only do things that expands positivity to all who encounter our anything.
This article can also be found on Scott @ Roller Blade Warriors.
Legend of the Roller Blade Seven is now on YouTube. You have to sign in to confirm your age. Here's the link.
Legend of the Roller Blade Seven on YouTube
By Scott Shaw
As I say way too often, “It doesn’t seem like a week ever goes by when I am not asked some question about The Roller Blade Seven, am insulted as per it’s creation, or someone gives me some nonsense about something involving RB7.” I certainly never expected that when Don Jackson and I were creating the movie. And, to be truthful, I really don’t want it now. Why it has held whatever place it has in the Cult Film Hierarchy, is beyond me. When I started out on the film, I thought we were going to make an action-adventure flick. Wrong! I would have far preferred that it would have just been forgotten and maybe when I’m ninety years old someone found it on some old video tape as they were tracking through the elements of history and then came and interviewed me, asking, "WTF?"
Roller Blade Seven was distributed across the globe. It has been set in many languages. And, as I have written in numerous places, I never got any of that money. And it made a lot of money. I’m not going to go into the whole Hollywood world of rip offs here, and who did what and why, but I will state an interesting point, (and I have also mentioned this fact in some of the pieces I have written about my interaction with the creation of this film in the past), I never signed any release(s) for the rights to any of my creative contributions. In fact, nor did the publishers of my books because they would have had to release their rights, as well. Thus, no one and no company who ever distributed the film had the right to do so; at least not in using my image, my music, the words from my books that make up much of the dialogue of the film, and all the other etc. I did. Thus, they all were guilty of copyright infringement. The fact is, I was promised to be paid, I never was. Moreover, it was sold to so many countries and changed hands through various distributors, who could I sue? Plus, all that’s very expensive and, as I’ve talked about in the past, when we finished the film, I had worked for free, and with getting none of the back-end money I was promised, I was dead broke.
Now, this all may sound like a, "Woe is me," piece, but it is not. It’s just putting some facts out there. It’s just stating some facts about the Hollywood Game. I mean, here I am, thirty years later—thirty years after the creation of that film, and some people still use it as a definition of me. But, is it? Was it ever? No. Plus, DGJ passed-away long ago, so I am the only one they seek out.
And, the fact is, I have made so many other films that were better representations of my creative vision, but few people speak to me about those. They want to talk about a bad movie and its sequel and somehow use those features as the definition of my life.
I am under no illusion about what The Roller Blade Seven and Return of the Roller Blade Seven actually are. You’re not going to get an argument from me about how bad they are. The only difference is, I was there. I was one of the two creative forces that produced those pieces of Zen Cinema. So, for me, it’s all an inside joke as I was there all the way through; from begin, to end, to today.
I believe this is something you really need to think about as you cast your definitions onto other people. The fact of the fact is, if you weren’t there, you cannot know the inside truth. You don’t know the true truth about the person. You don’t know the true truth about the how and the why and the what happened because of the what happened. So, who are you to think anything about anybody? Don’t you think it’s just better to focus on your own development and not to lose yourself in apprising the life and becoming obsessed about what someone else has created? Because, the fact of the fact is, you can never truly understand someone else’s reason why.
For those of you who want to check out this bizarre piece of Zen Filmmaking history, you can view it on YouTube: Legend of the Roller Blade Seven.
The Roller Blade Seven @ Scott
Some people think that the DVD for The Legend of the Roller Blade Seven is out of print. This is not the case. It is very available.
Click on the link: The Legend of the Roller Blade Seven
The Roller Blade Seven @ Scott
Here's a piece about written by Scott Shaw, Legend of the Roller Blade Seven.
The Roller Blade Seven @ Scott
The Roller Blade Seven @ Scott
Roller Blade Seven The Unseen Scenes Take a look into the creation of the first Zen Film in this Scott Shaw Zen Documentary. Click on the ti...